Hints from Heather: The 3 Brains: Gut, Heart, Head (The GHH Axis)
Neuroplasticity is the amazing capacity of the brain to rewire and re-sculpt itself as a result of consistent exposure to new material or a new behavior. Our brains are wonderfully malleable, meaning we can create new landscapes in our neural pathways. One of my favorite sayings is, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Lifestyle habits like breath-work, meditation, thought manifestation, and practicing gratitude can actually increase the feel-good neurotransmitters, put our brains in a calmer brainwave pattern and lead us permanently to more happiness and peace. Many have heard of the “gut-brain” axis whereby our microbiome (gut) sends messages to the brain via the largest nerve in our body, the vagus nerve. But, did you know we have a 3rd player in the axis along the vagus nerve? The heart! In fact, you have 3 brains in your body: The gut, the heart and the head. The vagus nerve is the grand connector between the 3, creating the “GHH Axis.”* This powerful threesome utilizes 80% of our body’s energy and each contains its own nervous system, replete with independent neurons.
So, when you think of brain health, be sure you nurture your entire GHH Axis. For your gut brain, take a good mulit-strain probiotic and avoid GMO-laden foods. Incorporate belly breathing into your morning routine to activate the healing powerful of your vagus nerve. Your heart likes for you to move! Try High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) exercise 2-3 times/week and stand up every 20 minutes if sitting in front of the computer or elsewhere. Your heart’s natural electromagnetic energy is increased when you practice amplifying positive emotions when something good happens; see if you can allow yourself to sink into these emotions for at least 15 seconds at a time throughout the day. This habit will shift your nervous system into parasympathetic mode (relax and renew) and will permanently plant positive emotions at a cellular level. For your head brain, hydrate. Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of filtered, non-chlorinated water daily. And, use your awareness to notice when you are replaying negative thoughts and old stories that no longer serve you. Immediately replace negative thoughts with a positive one. You could simply say 3 times: “Every aspect of my life is full of abundance!” Make each of these GHH Axis tips a daily habit and you will become a master of rewiring your entire being for vibrant health.
*The GHH Axis is a term developed by Heather M. Goodwin, MA, HHP and Tracy W. Southwick, ND, HHP (the authors of Wellbeing, Simplified Program)