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Hints from Heather: Hydrate to Happy!

Did you know that we are mostly water? In fact, up to 60% of the adult human body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water and even our brittle bones are a good part liquid, ringing in at 31%. Given these statistics, it makes sense why health professionals encourage proper hydration for optimal physical wellbeing. But, did you ever consider that hydration can affect your mental health?

In his New York Times bestseller, Hidden Messages in Water, internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, reveals the profound influence our thoughts, words and feelings have on molecules of water. His experiments exposed unfrozen water molecules to certain positive and negative words/thoughts/emotions.

He then froze and viewed these molecules under a microscope. The results were astounding! Almost as if by magic, the water molecules exposed to positive influences formed beautiful, pristine crystals, while the molecules exposed to negative influences were just plain ugly.

Now, go back up to the beginning of this article and note what percentage of water our brains and hearts are comprised of: 73%! If our brains are the seat of our thoughts and our hearts encapsulate our emotions, would it not make sense that purposefully practicing positive thoughts and feelings should be a huge part of our daily health regimen?

Starting today, practice gently noticing when you engage in negative “scripts” and take the opportunity to literally transform your own thoughts and emotions from destructive and unhealthy “molecules” to the ones that look like the perfect paper snowflake you dreamed of creating as a child. “Hydrate” with happiness and transform your mental and emotional worlds!

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